Friday, August 26, 2011

Congratulations to me!

I just thought I'd congratulate myself here for getting engaged to Clara. Last Sunday, at our whole brood party, while talking in the barn we decided that we would really like to be married. (We spent the last year introducing ourselves as husband and wife, and I guess it just felt right!). A few of this blog's readers have met Clara and know that she's dynamite. I'm very happy and think that this is one more very lucky thing that has happened in a very lucky life. The most recent picture of us that I have on my phone here is this one, in which we're marching off officiously into the sunset. Or away from. It doesn't matter: the journey is the destination.

1 comment:

  1. Down in Texas we held a special celebration on hearing the news of your decision! Now we are eagerly awaiting invitations to a place and date for the knot tying. We've demonstrated that distance is not a factor in participation! And whether it is East coast or West coast it pretty much the same for us--but we gotta plan for it either way! Congratulations!


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