What a great week. Catherine and Wayne came from Maine to celebrate my birthday--well not exactly "to" celebrate the birthday but be present at my birthday celebration time! (You'll have to ask them for an explanation.)
It has been a great week--lots of good eats along the way.
It began Saturday with Wayne 'sleeping-over' at the Sisterdale ranch with Jim and his cousin, Reed. While the boys attended to meat-gathering Pam, Catherine and Gay dined at one of San Antonio's great restaurants, The Lodge. A memorable evening.
Sunday Chris took the 'girls' on a private, guided tour of a show at San Antonio Museum of Art featuring Egyptian artifacts from the Brooklyn Museum, titled "Life After Death" or something to that effect. Chris has taken several tours through the show (and SAMA's permanent collection of Egyptian artifacts--including several pieces owned by the famous collectors: Karen Keach and Chris Karcher) about which he is very well schooled. That was a treat.
Monday was the birthday with a gathering of the clan to celebrate.
Tuesday Ben and Callie took us to another great San Antonio restaurant--Italian this time. Really great meal! And that evening, Basil took the whole group to Paesano's for another great Italian dinner.
Wednesday Wayne was scheduled to return home--but bad weather in Boston kept him here till Thursday afternoon. Wednesday evening we baked salmon for our dinner at home.
We had a great Mexican dinner Thursday noon before taking Wayne to the airport to catch his flight home.
Speaking of weather. It was very disappointing that our winter wet, cold days set in as the Adams arrived in San Antonio and have persisted throughout their stay. Too bad. We were having beautiful weather before their arrival.
Friday Catherine's friend Chrlynn who lives in Austin arranged for a weekend get-away in Castroville. Word has it that it was a great weekend with lots of giggles and chuckles--though not much to report on the food front.
I managed to get sick on Friday--as Catherine was leaving town with Charlynn--which put me to bed for all of Saturday. But by Sunday I was on the mend and will be raring to go on Monday when we hope to close out the visit with one last great restaurant!
Wow, what a celebration! I imagine we all gained pounds--not intending to put a number to it!
As a PS I must add that in anticipation of the Adams' arrival we finally got the rug from Oaxaca hung. We are delighted--more than we expected. It is a great addition to our living room.

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