Saturday, September 18, 2010

our blog

Thanks for the heads up...They do make a cute couple and Callie seems like a keeper. I am really loving the blog and I hope we all continue to post. I wanted to ask you more about your Asian art class. Are you learning Chinese characters? Next semester I have to take Chinese calligraphy and I was curious to know if you are doing something similar with the brush and ink stone. I have really enjoyed hearing about your goings on and already feel much more connected to you all. Isn't that horrible! I have mixed feelings about a blog being the way I am able to stay in touch with everyone but I will take what I can get. Hope all is well and a hug to Kenny and Jim.
PS this is a note Margaret sent in response to mine to her. I thought it made a good promotion piece for blog participation so I took the liberty to post it to the blog. Gay

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