Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Today Jim had to be in Boerne with his parents early--7:30--to see that Ruth took her once-a-week medication BEFORE coffee, breakfast or other meds (which he had gone up early to do yesterday arriving just after she had had her coffee and taken her morning pills). He saw that she had her medication, fixed breakfast for them and went to the local HEB to pick up their meds. He was on his way home when he got a call that George had collapsed on the porch at Morningside Manor. He went right back. They took George to the near-by hospital and ran some tests. He was suffering 'renal failure'. So he is being moved to San Antonio hospital to be under the care of a specialist. Jim will return to Boerne to spend the night with Ruth. Don't know what follows.

I did not learn about this until after (or at the end of) my Asian Art class--which I really enjoyed. Tonight my clay buddies with be here for a couple hours.

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