Friday, May 9, 2014

Good News!

You do not have to go to Canada to get good rabbit stew. But perhaps you do have to go there to get the inspiration.

Gay and I made a superior one right here last night. It took some doing. We drove to Portland (Yes, to Rosemont) only to find they had no rabbits. Problem with their provider. We called around and found that Pat's Meat Market--not far from Rosemont--had rabbits. Do you have two? we asked. Why, yes, we do. When we got there to grab them they seemed to be as surprised as we to find that they had only one. So….we added two pounds of chicken thighs, daring anyone to tell the difference. We did find the difference, but wonder whether we would have had we not known to look for it. We were very pleased with ourselves, until we realized we had failed to authenticate with a picture.

When you ask Gay to  replicate this for you, and you must ask her,  remind her to include the gingered-pear conserve. A minor but absolutely essential ingredient.

Happy trails...

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