Saturday, May 10, 2014


We left North Street at 9:15 this morning--with regrets.  It was such a wonderful time with Twinkie and Wayne.  Just being with them was so great and to top that off we had such a wonderful time with them in Quebec City!  Definitely a trip to repeat.

We got to Manchester, NH in good time.  Split a hamburger at the airport and took off for Baltimore.  Deplaning at Baltimore I took a mis-step and made a big splat in the tunnel between the plane and the airport--with a long line of people eager to get to off the plane behind me.  Two gentlemen picked me up--out of the way--and left me to pull myself together.  It was not a bad fall--just unfortunate.

Got the next plane to San Antonio easily and had a smooth flight home.  Then began discussing dinner!  Maybe pick something up on the way to or from visiting Kenny.  But when we got home we checked out the plants--flowers, herbs and tomatoes.  All was well!  The basil was so great it needed trimming back--so we had a delicious pesto pasta for dinner (Sarah, that is one of our 'go-to dinners').  Yummy.

Then off for a short but great visit with Kenny--who was surprised as he, along with lots of other people, expected our return on Monday not on Saturday.  Some how, somewhere I got the word out that our trip ended on Monday the 12th instead of Saturday the 10th--even our hosts thought we were there till Monday!  Only Jim was not too surprised at every one's surprise.

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