I gave up on reading "The Girl Who Played With Fire"--got to hot for me. So I'm reading (again) "Pride and Prejudice" and loving it (again). Mrs. Bennet demonstrates why it took so long for women to get the right to vote! What a depiction!
George Judson is still in the rehab hospital--it has been a month now that he has been in the hospital or the rehab hospital. Jim has stayed with Ruth the whole time with some help from his brother Steve--but mostly he has been with his mom 24/7. Ruth said to me last week, "You have the most wonderful husband." I said, "Well, right now he is the most wonderful son, not much of a husband."
Friday Kenny got the long awaited "lift". I should admit that I got the long awaited lift. Transferring him from chair to bed and back has become almost impossible for me to do, yet with Jim gone I've had to manage and it was getting harder and harder. So there was much anticipation around the delivery of the lift. We refer to it as the 800 pound gorilla--lucky that Kenny has the largest room in the house to accommodate it! There are more steps involved in transferring him, but no strain on my back! Technology is great!

Here I am about to lower him into his wheelchair. Actually, I have him backwards there--ordinarily the chair is in front of the lift and Kenny would be facing the machine. Still trying to learn all the tricks to using it! Pretty much have figured out the bed to chair transfer and vice versa but have not attempted the in and out of the shower yet--next adventure!

Kenny gets a kick out of the 'ride'--it must feel a lot like a ride at an amusement park.
I've been doing some studio work--but it is very much in the experimenting stage. And the productsn from last weeks firing were not encouraging. But I'm going to get to work out there today and try to get over that set-back and make some progress forward. I, foolishly perhaps, signed up to sell at the annual guild sale Dec 4. At this time I have NOTHING to sell. So gotta something made or withdraw my name by Nov 4! It takes a deadline to get things to happen.
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