Sunday, October 3, 2010

I'm reading

'The Girl' books of Stieg Larsson. I enjoyed the first (with the Dragon tattoo) so got the next two (for my Kindle). But I'm not so happy with the 'The Girl Who Played With Fire"--hoping that once I get into it bit further I'll get hooked. It is anxiety producing and I don't enjoy being anxious over the characters I've grown fond of...

And I enjoyed a real reading treat this morning--Times Reader. I accepted the NYT's offer of 2 weeks free subscription to the on line edition. Wow. So much easier to read and to browse on line. They have done a great job of the layout. I'm really impressed. When Bradford and Clara offered their Times on line in Oaxaca I declined because I could not imagine how that HUGE newspaper could be managed on line. But once again, I'm proven wrong!

I have really enjoyed my reading adventures since getting the Kindle. I'm amazed how many books I've read lately and how much I've enjoyed most of them. (Great that you can read a bit of the books before purchasing--I've downloaded a lot of 'samples' that I decided not to get.) But of all the ones I've read and really enjoyed "Hedgehog" is still my favorite! All my readings have been novels--nothing like Clara's new reading project. I don't think I could get through that one! For years I have not read novels but I am eating them up now.

I can't close without mentioning that I've really enjoyed Chris' new book! Really fun and a great peek into Chris' head!

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