Sunday, October 31, 2010

We didn´t get our act together in time to find flowers, but our difuntitos will find the most tastey mole de olla, vegetable beef stew with dark, smokey chiles.


  1. Great way to celebrate the holy day! It is beautiful. Pam usually has an alter for dia de los muertos, too. Wonder if she will post a picture of hers?

  2. I really love my altar this year, though it is sadly way too crowded with photos of family and friends who have earned a place of honor...I am presently without a camera so mine will not be posted. I love Emily and Joel's....I usually serve mom coffee in her own china cups, but this year they are residing in Georgia. She will be content with one of Gay's lovely mugs, however...
    Ben spent the night Friday evening. He came in and asked if he could have some candy. I assumed he was asking permission to take some from the altar. Then he said, "don't you have other candy, Lita? Some that isn't for the dead people?" Out of the mouths of babes!


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