Friday, October 29, 2010

guide to previous post...

Let me guide you through Ben's post. He is showing you through his new abode.
His beautiful housemate, Callie.
His luscious sweet basil--his is much more vibrant than mine!
Their cat, Homey. Who arrested Jim passing by to demand a friendly pat!
Their backyard view, overlooking the train tracks.
And finally, Bandero, the Great Pyrenees. The size of a Polar Bear with the same coat, I think!
(Don't know why we got gibberish with Ben's post.) Hope I have not misrepresented anything and hope he does not mind my sticking my nose in!
So happy to have had him chime in, if silently!

1 comment:

  1. The image above Bandero is actually a picture of the kind of gibberish I spend a lot of my time writing these days.


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