Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday in the Park...

Today I met Benjamin and Massie at the botanical garden for a last look see at the playhouses and forts exhibit. They were joined by Ben's friends Jett and Lola and their dad (whose name escapes me). When I happened on to them, the young ones were sitting inside one of the playhouses that had been created to look and feel like a chrysalus. They were all enjoying very healthy snacks created by these very gentle, very patient and loving dads. At one point, all three of the kids lifted their sippy cups with a resounding "cheers" from one and all-Lola can't be much more than 12 or 14 months; being upright and vertical is still a work in progress for her.

At one point on the walk, Ben asked Jett if he could give him a hug. Jett didn't say no so Ben took that as a positive and proceeded to hug and kiss his friend. A bit later all three of them were walking hand in hand down the walk. We took time to overfeed the ducks, run madly through one of the Texas homes with Massie periodically going in and making scary noises to frighten one and all. The kids loved it!

In the midst of all this it occurred to me that scenes like this one were rare when I was in the throes of child rearing. I had no experience with many dads who would be as happy and content in the company of their children as these two young men clearly are/were....perhaps this is a sign that society is evolving into a higher and better place and there is hope for all of us.

That's my grand epiphany for the day. I also voted today. Unless you are like Catherine and believe in voting on Nov. 2nd, please follow my lead....just be sure you get the job done!

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